ÊÑÁÀÒÉ³ì ¹Ñ¡ÊÙé "Kim" ...Training hard makes me thirsty for the fight .
¼Ùéà¢éÒÃͺ 4 ¤¹ÊØ´·éÒ NAKSU MMA Thailand 2011 ÃØè¹¹éÓ˹ѡäÁèà¡Ô¹ 75 ¡ÔâÅ¡ÃÑÁ

- : Please tell us how you feel to be involved in the past NAKSU event.
Well being able to compete in the NAKSU event was really an eye opening opportunity for me , im really glad i had competedt in this fight.
- : Your last fight with Thanupit became talk of the town, what do you feel about this?
I was so nervous for the fight ! My coaches prepared me well for this event and i stepped into the ring, gave what i could the rest is up to god. Im surprised by how it turned out as well, he's more experienced than me in this sport i believe and the fact that the fans liked this fight i just want to say , Im really happy you guys are entertained .
- : In your opinion, what made you win the game on that day?
I would say that it'd be the trainings i've been put through in my gym the juggernaut fight club in singapore. I've put in alot of effort , so much blood and sweat that im not going to go in there and make it easy for my opponent, its everything i got for every fight i'm going to have.

- : How/when did you start practicing martial arts?
i got into boxing initially after i stumbled across a couple of Mike Tyson videos in the youtube and ever since , i've started to box , competing in a couple of amature bouts in singapore and thereafter , i was asked by my coach if i am interested to fight in the mix martial arts and i thought why not and that became the start of me training in the mma. Going into mma was purely coincidental !
- : What is your inspiration to compete in NAKSU?
My insipiration i believe comes from the training after i was asked to compete in NAKSU. The trainings i had made me want to do it more ! Its tough and involves lots of commitment ! Training hard makes me thirsty for the fight .
- : Who is your idol(s) in MMA?
My idols would be B.J penn , Nick diaz and one more that i look up to is actually someone that you guys might be familiar with , Andrew leone which is also one of my coach for this event.

- : After the fight, please share us any feedback you received (from friends, etc.).
My friends were actually supportive of my fight and was happy to see my victory and we were interviewed on berita harian (news paper) and also went onto some Singapore news website.
- : Your opponent of the next fight will be Stronga, with ground fighting style, how will you prepare to handle him?
I saw his fight winning via a rear naked choke, he's a ground guy but i guess the only way to prepare myself for him is to train , train and train .
- : Another fight under your weight class is The Zero vs Yuthabata, who will take advantage in your opinion?
I think that in a fight anything could happen and theres no guarenteed victory especially in mix martial arts , i believe every man have a fair chance of winning so its a 50-50 for me.
- : If you win this tournament, what will be your next step/goal?
If i were to win this competetion, i would really hope to turn professional.
- : Please share us your training schedule, etc.
my training schedule is actually irregular depending on the different days my school starts and ends , i would train as much as i could hopefully 5 days a week but theres really no guarentee.

- : What do you do for living? Work/study?
Im currently still a student studying in Singapore.
- : What do you do during free times? Hobbies?
Sometimes i go for a long run when i have my free time, or i would go for movies or maybe a nice dinner with my lovely girlfriend . Some simple stuffs actually.
- : From the web poll result (as of Aug 8), 68% of our fans believe you will be a champion. What do you feel?
Im really shocked to see the % of the votes and i sincerely thank all of the fans for the voting. Its a fight , anything and everything goes , whatever would happen, would happen. I will give my best to fight and hopefully i will give all the the NAKSU fans an entertaining and impressive fight to watch !
- : Please say anything to your fans in NAKSU 8.
I would like to thank all the fans of NAKSU for holding a such high regard on me . Team juggernaut will do our best in the next upcoming fights so keep your eyes on us ! Juggernaut fight club !